Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Slow Motion (originally written April 11th)

I look at the time. 3:21 it says. Wow I thought it has been way longer than that. As I stare at the walls around me, I start to wonder into a state of drift. Man this really got me blown. I look out the window to see if there is something that is going to save my sanity, but I see nothing. The people across the way don't even know that I exist at the moment, but soon they will. I move my fingers across my face to see if there is any effect that will amuse me. Sadly there is none. The sounds of the flying bugs outside and the tugs are the only things constant. This can't be all there is to it. I try to find that place in my mind to tell me to wake up because this is all just a dream, but that place isn't there because I'm wide awake. Thoughts of pain, hurt, anguish, and laughter start to come through my brain. I start to relive recent events and try to forget that some things have changed. Alone for the first time, everything is moving slowly but surely. I know the price to pay, but I'd rather keep the money if I can't have happiness. The randomness of tomorrow is starting to slowly come together and bring itself into life, as it becomes today. Has the world seen what I saw? Will anyone ever feel what I feel? Yes time is of the essence, and patience is a virtue that I am starting to no longer possess. The pleasure factor is moving as slowly as the time is. My life is gracefully moving in the right direction. Sitting in here with these walls surrounding me, I start to hope that time has moved as fast as it does slow...time now: 3:41. It's the moment that surrounds everything else and starts to consume it. As I sit here and stare out the window, I can only imagine what will happen next...

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