Wednesday, June 15, 2011

As It Pours

The raindrops hitting the window fall at a speed that is slow. The light that illuminates the room is only from the television that is no longer being watched but remains to stay on. The ceiling has become the new focal point of her attention as she lays on her back with her hands folded over her chest. She begins to have those thoughts again. The wanting of that warm body laying next to her. The need for someone to come and hold her as the drops start to fall harder. The thunder brings a jump to her spine, but the lightening only increases her intrigue in the world of affection that she has grown to know so little of. The light from the television becomes dark as she places the remote back down on the bed and goes back to her original position. She doesn't want there to be any light on the tears that have started to come down her face. She never knows where these feelings come from, but she can't fight them or prevent them. She can't help but to think about the fact that there are people in the world that are getting the intimate things that she longs for and desires every time the water falls from the sky. Wanting nothing more than to have a pair of hands to trace the skin that engulfs her body, she silently begins to weep. The day has been long. The mental state that she is in every time it rains has never changed. No one knows of the pain that she feels at this moment, and she refuses to let it out as she doesn't feel that it is necessary. Her time will come when that warm body is there every time it pours, giving her at least the comfort that someone is there to hold her if she wants it, to kiss on her if she desires it, and to make love to her like she needs it. Her emotions start to run deep, but she tries to pull herself together as if somebody is watching. The house is quiet, and all she has to comfort her is the sounds of the storm that is gracefully making her way through the sky. Everything starts to spin around her as her eyes begin to burn from the tears that won't cease to exist. She remembers that she is going to be alone for the rest of the night, and that is a feeling and knowledge that she wishes wasn't true but cannot be helped. Her fate at the moment is to sleep away the ill feelings that have taken over her mental well-being, but this is nothing new to her during this weather. The love-hate relationship that she has with the form of precipitation that is coming from the sky cannot be fought. She has tried to figure out how to deal with what she is feeling, but her only solution has not come yet. As she feels her eyes getting heavy, she turns to face the wall and wraps herself in the beautiful covers that are placed on her loosely clothed body. She wipes away the remains of the cry she shares with no one when it pours, but it continues to rain inside and out. Her internal smile has turned into sadness as she closes her eyes and begins to drift into the land of dreams that shows her the things that she longs so deeply for and is not within her reach. Tonight, the romantic world that she enters into serves as nightmares to her, and she rather not even sleep if these are the things that are going to come to her, but she knows that this is something that she can't be avoided. The phone is on silent. The television plays no sound and shows no picture. The room is as dark as her heart feels as loneliness surrounds the room. The rain, as much as she doesn't want it to be, is her only affection for the night as it caresses her mind away from reality and into the dreaded world of her passionate fantasy...

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